Alessandro twombly biography
Alessandro Twombly (b. 1959, Rome) is an Italian-born painter and sculptor, whose exuberant paintings and textured sculptures reflect his intimate connection to his local surroundings, the countryside outside Rome where he lives and works.
Twombly is deeply familiar with the flora and fauna of the Italian countryside and understands the longer geological perspective which shaped the landscape. Describing this relationship, he says ‘I work with nature like another artist might focus on the nude,’ explaining that he uses nature as a point of departure to move beyond direct representation. Nature is shifted into a psychological abstraction, seemingly reflecting a state of mind through exuberant colours and bold brushstrokes which battle and blend on the canvas. This dynamism is the result of an energetic and varied method of painting; Twombly often rests the canvas on the floor and uses his bare hands to apply his broad and expressive brushstrokes. Twombly is a nat
Contributed by David Carrier / Alessandro Twombly’s twelve large new paintings, now on view at Amanita galleri, all employ one basic, immensely fruitful motif: knots of color resembling enlarged floral forms, depicted in high-pitched, gesturally painted oranges, pinks, reds, and blacks on bright turquoise backgrounds. An artist friend nicknamed these pictures ‘Tiepolo in the Sky,” which accurately describes them. Twombly’s sammanfattning images look like drastically enlarged figures you might find in a work by the eighteenth-century Italian painter Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. They are strikingly original yet richly allusive.
Born in 1959, Twombly is from Rome. This is the first show he’s had in amerika in almost two decades. The American movements of Pop Art, Conceptual Art, and Minimalism appear to mean very little to him. His paintings do relate at least indirectly to Morris Louis’ famous “Unfurleds.” Whereas they open up the center of the canvas to afford viewers the
Alessandro Twombly
Recent works: sculptures
and works on paper
3 May–21 July 2012
Art I 43 I Basel
14–17 June 2012
Halle 2.0 | Booth C7
BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Services
5, rue de la Muse
CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland
T +41 22 544 95 95
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BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Services first exhibited a number of oils on canvas by Alessandro Twombly in 2005. Now it is proud to present a solo exhibition of Twombly’s sculptures and works on paper at its exhibition space at 5 rue de la Muse.
Though Alessandro Twombly’s motifs are essentially botanic in origin, the themes of his work touch on emotion, life cycles, and their expression in art. The sense of space and proportion, combined with the simple effect of juxtaposed colours, is sufficient to produce the sensuous illusion of a floral texture, a profusion of scent, a field of wild irises. Elsewhere, in a flower unconventionally but passionately depicted, th