Rut matthijsen biography of abraham

  • Rut Matthijsen worked tirelessly behind the scenes, forging iden- tity cards and other vital papers, and print- ing illegal books and posters, the sale of.
  • We were a dozen women, Jewish and non-Jewish, who fought against the.
  • Rut Matthijsen Excerpt: A Holocaust Rescuer Discusses How the Holocaust Might Best Be Taught [permanent dead link‍].
  • Site of Deportation, Site of Memory: The Amsterdam Hollandsche Schouwburg and the Holocaust 9789048536726

    Table of contents :
    Table Of Contents
    1. Occupation, Persecution, And Destruction
    2. In And Around The Theatre
    3. In The Shadow Of Nazism
    4. ‘Building Of Tears’
    5. Site Of Memory, Site Of Mourning
    Sources, Literature, And Quotations
    About The Authors

    Citation preview

    Site of Deportation, Site of Memory

    Site of Deportation, Site of Memory The Amsterdam Hollandsche Schouwburg and the Holocaust

    Edited by Frank van Vree, Hetty Berg, and David Duindam

    Amsterdam University Press

    Parts of this book have previously been published in: F. van Vree, H. Berg, D. Duindam (red.), De Hollandsche Schouwburg. Theater, Deportatieplaats, Plek van herinnering. Amsterdam University Press, 2013 © 2013 F. van Vree, H. Berg, D. Duindam / Amsterdam University Press Translation: Vivien Collingwood This publication has been made possible by material support and financial grants

    Search for Names, Places and Biographies

    Mitglieder des Kindercomité, einer Widerstandsgruppe in Utrecht, die jüdischen Kindern Unterschlupf gewährte, bei der Hochzeitsfeier von Geert Lubberhuizen; von links nach rechts Titie Timmenga, Annie dem Waard, Dr. Ger Kempe, Manfred Lewinsohn, Olga Hudig
    © 600729 / Sammlung varm Utrechts Archief

    Manfred Lewinsohn * 1912

    Grindelhof 64 (Eimsbüttel, Rotherbaum)

    JG. 1912
    ERMORDET 13.3.1945

    further stumbling stones in Grindelhof 64:
    Ernst Reinhold Ascher, Nanni Ascher, Chana Ascher, Carl personnamn, Carmen personnamn, Hans personnamn, Julius personnamn, Gertrud namn, Inge namn, Lotte namn, Blanka namn, Richard Lewinsohn, Max Renner

    Manfred Lewinsohn, born on 19.2.1912 in Hamburg, fled to the Netherlands in 1933, arrested on 1.8.1944 and interned at Camp Vught/Hertogenbosch, interned on 2.9.1944 at We

    Bibliography of the Holocaust

    This is a selected bibliography and other resources for The Holocaust, including prominent primary sources, historical studies, notable survivor accounts and autobiographies, as well as other documentation and further hypotheses.

    The Holocaust literature is extensive: The Bibliography on Holocaust Literature (edited by Abraham Edelheit and Hershel Edelheit) in its 1993 update listed around 20,000 items, including books, journal articles, pamphlets, newspaper stories and dissertations.[1] Conversely, in a 1989 publication, Abraham Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) from 1987 to 2015, estimated that there were 200 books denying the Holocaust.[2]



    Primary sources


    • Gemlich letter, 1919
    • Mein Kampf, 1925
    • Special Prosecution Book-Poland, 1937–1939
    • Ringelblum Archive, 1939–1943
    • Heydrich's Instructions to the Chiefs of the Einsatzgruppen, 21 September 1939
    • The Black
    • rut matthijsen biography of abraham