Dr yosef ben jochannan biography
Yosef Ben-Jochannan
Yossef Alfredo Antonio Ben-Jochannan (/ˈbɛnˈjoʊkənən/ 31 de dezembro de - 19 de março de ), referido por seus admiradores como " Dr. Ben ", foi um escritor e historiador americano. Ele foi considerado um dos estudiosos afrocêntricos mais proeminentes por alguns nacionalistas negros, enquanto a maioria dos estudiosos tradicionais, como Mary Lefkowitz,[1] o rejeitou por causa das imprecisões históricas básicas em seu trabalho, bem como disputas sobre a autenticidade de seus graus educacionais e credenciais acadêmicas.[2]
Infância e Educação
[editar | editar código-fonte]Ben-Jochannan afirmou que nasceu na Etiópia, filho de mãe judia porto-riquenha e pai judeu etíope.[3][4] Outras fontes dizem que ele "provavelmente era porto-riquenho, mas alegou ser de origem judaica etíope".[5] Um artigo do New York Times publicado após a morte de Ben-Jochannan disse: "Há pouca evidência disso além de sua própria palavra; alguns colegas, e até mesmo um membr
Dr Yosef A.A. ben Jochannan seated in the mittpunkt of legendary history scholars Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and Dr. John Henrik Clarke on Gil Noble’s talk show ‘Like It Is.’ Gil Noble was a pioneering Afrikan American journalist on ABC news in NYC.
By Bashir Muhammad Akinyele —
Dr. Ben gave Kemet and Nile Valley Civilizations back to us — Dr. Leonard Jeffries (legendary Africana Studies Professor)
As I embark on my very first educational tour of Kemet (Egypt). inom am overwhelmed with emotions. I understand that inom will now become a part of an exclusive list of activist intellectuals fighting to rescue, reclaim, and restore Kemet to Afrikan people. Unfortunately, over the centuries, white supremacist “scholars” have distorted the history of Kemet. Not only have racist vit intellectuals argued that Kemet was a non-Black civilization, but they also took Kemet geographically out of the continent of Afrika. But a courageous Black Egyptologist scholar led a movement in the twentieth
Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan’s Journey
Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan’s Journey: From Afrocentrism to Islam
Editor’s Note: Dr. Yusef Ben-Jochannan was one of the most prolific authors and lecturers on African history throughout the Diaspora of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. His influence on generations of Afro-Centrists is undeniable. Yet, after embracing Islam in the twilight of his life, Dr. Ben’s pre-Islamic legacy has been frozen in time, much like his friend and contemporary, Malcolm X, who only practiced the religion of Islam as taught by Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (peace be upon him) for the last 11 months of his life.
Dr. Ben was an outspoken critic on cultural issues with a courageous, independent intellect who eschewed ivory-tower pedagogy. He was tireless and undaunted in battling the hegemonic grip that Euro-centered thought has on world history
When year old Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan passed away on March 19, in the Bay Park Nursing Home in B