Wilbert longmire biography channel
Hall of Fame Inductees
William Richard “Bill” Berry was born on September 14, in Benton Harbor, MI to a musical family – his father played the bass and his mother was a singer. As a baby, he even slept in his father’s bass case until the family moved to South böj, IN. When the family moved to Cincinnati, Bill took up the trumpet at yrs-old.
After high school his early musical career had him traveling the Midwest for three years in a territory grupp. Berry served four years in the United State Air Force; returned to Cincinnati to study music as well as in Boston. In the fifties he played with Woody Herman and Maynard Ferguson.
In , Berry became a member of the Duke Ellington Orchestra, and the next three years changed his entire life, musically, socially and philosophically. It was rare for a white musician in those days to be working along side black musicians.
Following his stint with Ellington,
Pacific Jazz Records
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Wilbert Longmire – born in Mobile, Alabama in – was an acclaimed jazz guitarist. He first came to national prominence when he signed to jazz keyboardist Bob James’ Tappan Zee label in the late s. Growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio, as a child he studied the violin but eventually took up the guitar. He played in several bands in the early s, and by the time he was 23, he was playing in Hammond organ player Hank Marr’s group. He also performed with Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based organist Trudy Pitts. Towards the end of the s, he did studio sessions with French violinist Jean-Luc Ponty before recording his debut album, Revolution, in His next two solo releases – The Way We Were () and This Side of Heaven () – were released on independent l