Ed richardson alabama biography examples
Alabama Superintendent Ed Richardson reflects before turning over reins
Ed Richardson was packing up his office on Friday morning when he sat down with reporters to reflect on public education in Alabama: past, present and future.
When the clock struck noon on Friday, Richardson's 8-month term as interim state superintendent would come to a close, and newly-appointed State Superintendent Eric Mackey, who joined Richardson for the interview, would take the reins soon after.
"I didn't get everything done I wanted to," Richardson said, "but Dr. Mackey is more than up to the task, and so I'm confident we'll have some stability here that we've needed for years."
Richardson took the interim position in September after former Superintendent Michael Sentance resigned under board pressure having spent barely a year in the position. Before Sentance, Tommy Bice held the position for four years.
Richardson is well-known for his bold, matter-of-f
Updated: Ed Richardson's report accuses Birmingham school board of micromanagement
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- Former state Superintendent Ed Richardson, whom the state appointed chief financial officer of Birmingham during the intervention, tonight issued a report criticizing the Birmingham Board of Education for micromanaging school system affairs and urged board members to quickly and thoroughly respond to
concerns raised by a school accrediting agency
"The BBOE's micromanagement is both rampant and flagrant," Richardson said. "Your current actions could be considered outside of the roles and responsibilities of the
board (e.g. micromanagement) and could put your school system's current and future accreditation in jeopardy."
Richardson, who has led an investigation team in Birmingham since mid-April looking into the district's finances, academics and board governance, also said several school board meetings "could be best described
Greene County Democrat
By: Dr. Derryn Moten, Chair ASU Department of History
On May 10, , fifty-eight years after Alabama Governor John Patterson and the Alabama State Board of Education expelled nine Alabama State College, ASC, students for “conduct prejudicial to the college,” and after the same state officials terminated ASC faculty member Dr. L. D. Reddick for alleged Communist sympathies, Interim State övervakare of Education, Dr. Ed. Richardson expunged the records of both calling the actions taken by his predecessor in , “unjustified and unfair.” The paternalism then was summed up in the appellees’ brief for St. John Dixon, Et Al, v. Alabama State Board of Education, Et Al., the landmark case that overturned the wrongful expulsions, “Alabama State College, Montgomery, Alabama, fryst vatten a state institution for Negroes. It is beneath the supervision and control of the Alabama State Board of Education.” L. D. Reddick wrote the first biography of Dr. Martin L