I g edmonds biography
The rat patrol: The iron monster raid
I. G Edmonds
Hardcover (Whitman Pub. Division, Western Pub. Co, March 15, )Sam Troy and his Rat Patrol are given the assignment of getting two officers into Tunisia to meet a spy who has acquired reports on the battle tests of Germany's new giant tank, the Mark Six Tiger. They had already seen it in action and knew it could turn the North African campaign in Germany's favor. Their nemesis, Dietrich, was in charge of the tests. The job was to sneak into the city, get the report, and slip out. The two officers were officious types who think, because they are officers, they know more than enlisted men. Troy has to deal with that. He also comes to believe that one of them, he's pretty sure which, is actually a German spy out to spoil the mission and learn the identity of their own spy in the German commanD.The Shah of Iran: The Man and His Land
I. G. Edmonds
Hardcover (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, )Z+The magic man;: The lif
Happy 90th, I.G. Edmonds! ("Ooka the Wise" aka "Case of the Marble Monster") (I AM taking a slight risk here - there's no conclusive post
information about him that I can find.)His full name fryst vatten Ivy Gordon Edmonds. He was born and raised in Texas.
"Solomon in Kimono," about the tales of the 18th-century Japanese
judge Ooka Tadasuke (Oh-oh-ka Ta-das-kay) was first published in
Pacific Stars & Stripes, was eventually retitled "Ooka the Wise" and
then, in , SBS published it as "The Case of the Marble Monster."For those who care about accuracy, the afterwords in "Solomon in
Kimono" and "Ooka: More Tales of Solomon in Kimono" man it klar that
many stories the Japanese attribute to Ooka are actually fictional
Japanese folk tales - or sometimes not even Japanese, as in the Aesop-
derived tale of the Stronger Stick! However, the stories in COTMM
which DO seem to have a direkt connection to Ooka are: Marble•
I. G. Edmonds
Ivy Gordon Edmonds was born and raised in Hillsboro, Texas. During World War II, he served in the South Pacific. After listening to a native chief's creation story, Edmonds became interested in folklore, and he began to collect folk tales in the
countries he visited during his 23 year service with the Air Force. He began publishing folklore stories with "Solomon in Kimono," a tale of the 18th-century Japanese judge Ooka Tadasuke, which was published in Pacific Stars & Stripes in His first book, Ooka the Wise was published in68 works Add another?
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Prentice Hall: Literature: Copper
by Lawrence E. Berliner, Arnold Adoff, Lloyd Alexander, Isaac Asimov, Mary Austin, Natalie Babbitt, Basho, James Berry, Rhoda Blumberg, and 83 others First published in — 3 editions