Mary Ellsberg | GWI, George Washington University, USA | Dr. Mary Ellsberg is the Executive Director and Founding Director of the Global Womens Institute at the George Washington University. Dr. Ellsberg has more than 30 years of experience in international research and programs on gender and development. Before joining the university in August , Dr. Ellsberg served as Vice President for Research and Programs at the International Center for Research on Women. Dr. Ellsberg’s deep connection to global gender issues stems not only from her academic work, but also from living in Nicaragua for nearly 20 years, leading public health and women’s rights advocacy. She was a member of the core research team of the World Health Organization’s Multi-Country Study on Domestic Violence and Women’s Heath, and she ha • Marriage and Health By Ms. Anu Mehta1. MARRIAGE+ DR ANU MEHTA 2. WHAT IS MARRIAG Marriage is the legally or formally recognised union of two people as partners in a personal relationship It is a union between a man and a woman 3. WHAT IS LOVE? IS IT A LOVE BOND? 4. -DO PEOPLE FEEL CAGED? -IS IT ONE WAY TRAFFIC? -DOES LIFE STOP HAVING MEANING? 5. MARRIAGE 7 VOWS ▸ First Vow: ▸For the First Vow, the Groom promises his bride: “om eshaekapadibhavaitiprathaman” which means ‘You will offer me food and be helpful in every way. I will cherish you and provide welfare and happiness for you and our children’. The bride complies in return: “dhanamdhanyampadevadet” which means ‘I will take the responsibility for our home and all household, food and our finance’. In short, the bride and groom promises each other prosperity by fulfilling their respective roles in their lives. 6. MARRIAGE 7 VOWS ▸ Second Vow: ▸ For the Second Vow the groom promises his bride: “om oorjejaradas • In Memory of Sudarshan Kumar Varma - Tribute Wall Share / Subscribe to this tribute Share Obituary: Loading Diane B Adams/Bert N. Adams posted a condolence Tuesday, April 13, We feel privileged to have known Sudarshan for more than 50 years - first, during a two-year teaching stint in Kampala, Uganda when we were his neighbors, and then, as our careers and lives changed, with us in the U.S. and him in Canada. This was one man who could negotiate between cultures and religions and remain a dignified and upright human being with all he met. Thank you to Posy for her steadfast love over 42 years! We remember all of the family with our thoughts in your grief at losing such a man. Malcolm Holt posted a condolence Thursday, March 25, It was my fortunate coincidence in life to meet Sudarshan as a colleague in , when he was a new arrival in Canada. Over early months we talked and shared views on life and the universum. By the end of the yea