Prince dancer biography template
Meet our Faculty!
Caroleen Harding: ARAD – Studio Owner/ Director
Caroleen began dancing at the age of 10. During her years as a dancer, Caroleen trained in many styles including: Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Musical Theatre, Acrobatics, Lyrical and Contemporary. During these years, Caroleen studied beneath the C.D.T.A, R.A.D, and A.D.A.P.T syllabi and completed several examinations, including the R.A.D Advanced 2.
As a dancer, Caroleen achieved many awards at both Regional and National events, including overall high score placements, regional titles of Americas Dancer Of The Year and Miss CanDance, and she also competed in the invitational Dance Canada Pageant. Caroleen has been successful as a choreographer, being awarded the “Young Choreographer” award on many occasions in both Regional and National events and was recognized with a 1st place award for “Young Choreographer” at Nationals. Caroleen has attended several dance and teaching conventions which has allowed her to experie
Quick Links to Dance Instructor Bios
Cole, Matt (MC) | Costello, Julia (JC) | Echols, Ashlee (AE) | Gallagher, Jamie (JG) |
Graves, Bree (BG) | Helma, Donovan (DH) | Kreiensieck, Katie (KK) | Landreth, Jenny (JWL) |
Miller, Tina (TM) | Miller, Kelsee (KM) | Miller-Helma, Sabrina (SM) | Pogozelski, Sarah (SP) |
Robertson, Shelly (SR) | Scheuermann, Stefan (SS) | Sharp, Jules (JS) | Stecklein, Lori (LS) |
Matthew Cole began dancing at the age of 3 in his family’s dance studio. Throughout the years, he has enjoyed dancing the roles as the prince and king in “The Nutcracker” the king in “Alice in Wonderland” . He also was a member of Miller’s competition team, “Miller’s Dance Force” for 10 years. While on the competition team, he studied under professionals with Jen Hamilton, Leo Morimine, Matthew Peacock, Marguerite Derricks, Justin Jiles, Mike Minery, Donovan Helma, Tyne Stecklein, Cory Anderson and Meisha Gabriel. He has enjoyed assisting and now teaching his own classes in Hip Hop
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