Carlos tunnermann bernheim biography of abraham lincoln

  • El documento "Breve historia del desarrollo de la universidad" de Carlos Tünnermann Bernheim.
  • ABSTRACT: ​This paper discusses the interface between internationalization and language policies in general in Brazil by looking for evidence and traces of.
  • Editor: Mordechai Feingold (California Institute of Technology).
  • The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, SCLC Records
    The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, SCLC Records
    The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, SCLC Records
    The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, SCLC Records
    The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, SCLC Records
    The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, SCLC Records
    The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, SCLC Records


    Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980 Volume XXIV, South America; Latin America Region

      • Aaron, David L., Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
      • Adriázola Valda, Oscar, Major General (retired), Bolivian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship until July 1978
      • Agosti, Orlando, Brigadier General, Argentine Air Force Chief and Junta member from 1976 until 1981
      • Aguirre Asanza, Carlos, General, Chief of Staff of Ecuadorian Joint Command
      • Aja Espil, Jorge, Argentine Ambassador to the United States from 1976 until 1981
      • Alba, Wenceslao, Bolivian Minister of Finance from 1978 until 1979
      • Albright, Madeleine, Congressional Relations Officer, Press and Congressional Relations Office, National Security Council, from March 1978 until January 1981
      • Allara, Gualter Oscar, Admiral, Argentine Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
      • Allende, Salvador, President of Chile from 1970 until 1973
      • Allitto, Tony, Ecuador Desk Officer, Bureau of Inter-Am
      • carlos tunnermann bernheim biography of abraham lincoln


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        Alfonso Borrero Cabal

        Published jointly by

        the International Development Research Centre
        PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1G 3H9


        the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
        7 Place dem Fontenoy, 75732 Paris 07-SP, France

        © IDRC/UNESCO 1993

        Borrero Cabal, A.

        The university as an institution today: topics for reflection. Ottawa,
        ON, IDRC; Paris, UNESCO, 1993. xxiv + 239 p.: ill.

        /Higher education institutions/, /educational theory/, /historical analysis/, /aims of education/, /educational reforms/, /educational administration/, /institutional framework/, /cultural development/— /universities/, /equal opportunity/, /literature surveys/, /research policy/, /OECD/, /UNESCO/, /IDRC/, /university degrees/, /evaluation/, /future/, references.

        UDC: 378.001.1

        A microfiche edition is available.